What You Don’t Know About the Iliotibial (IT) Band
A lot is believed and said about Iliotibial Band (IT Band) injuries, but are they all true? As with many issues or injuries, we cannot always trust “internet doctors.” Lets begin with just what is…
A lot is believed and said about Iliotibial Band (IT Band) injuries, but are they all true? As with many issues or injuries, we cannot always trust “internet doctors.” Lets begin with just what is…
With the US Open Tennis Championship on right now, it got me thinking about how tennis is a sport that can be played over ones life span. Many youth or even adults learn to play…
Did you know that your hip could be causing your back pain? Or your hip pain could be the result of your back? The close relationship of the back and hip can sometimes make determining…
There are many out there and maybe some reading who do not know what a physical therapist does or even why one may need to see one. Even those who have been to PT may…
I am always amazed at how doctors and patients alike feel physical therapy after spine surgery is optional. Sure, patients always have the choice, but why go through a major surgery not to do EVERYTHING you…
The Achilles tendon is the connection between the gastrocnemius (calf) muscle and calcaneus or heel bone. Its function is to plantarflexion the foot. OR in basic terms, push off while walking or rise up onto the…
Any time someone undergoes surgery whether arthroscopic, minimally invasive, or otherwise, proper post-surgery rehab is a must. Many think, I can just walk it off or I can do it myself. How wrong those individuals…
Winter is here and chances are a significant snowfall (one that requires shoveling) will happen soon. This made me think now is a good to impart some winter tips for injury prevention. Every winter, an influx of patients…
This idea of an annual physical therapy exam could eventually become a reality. The healthcare community has discussed the concept of these exams for years. However, it has yet to take hold. Why is that?…
I came across an interesting headline recently that grabbed my attention..."High Heel Injuries Nearly Double in 10 Years." The article reports the group of women most likely to sustain an injury are those 20-29 years old.…
Zang Physical Therapy ~ 3514 Trindle Road Camp Hill PA 17011 ~ 717-440-6197, Fax: 717-388-4333 ~ andrew@zangpt.com ~