When someone has neck pain, each and every person is likely to search for the best way to relieve the pain. And along with that, they want to know the best things to avoid as well. In fact, in the quest for answers, many end up doing things that could cause their neck pain to last longer. With that in mind, here are the 5 things you may be doing that might unknowingly be resulting in more neck pain

- Sitting or lying around – movement is good and necessary even if it hurts some. Hurt does not equal harm and motion is lotion. Inactivity is the best way to get that neck to become more stiff. And we know that with stiffness comes pain with movement then. Which then results in greater movement restriction. A vicious cycle that needs to stop. Make sure to get up and move at least every 30 minutes
- Thinking medication will solve the problem – Medication is great at masking pain but once it wears off (and it will) the pain will return. It is important to solve the problem.
- Relying on heat or ice alone – neither one is likely to harm you (unless left on too long with unprotected skin). But also neither is likely to make a long term difference. Sure you may temporarily feel better, but that pain returns quickly after – doesn’t it?
- Falling prey to the belief that advanced imaging of the neck will help in solving neck pain. It likely won’t and worse it often serves to heighten fear and anxiety about what the picture shows. Our bodies change with age and so do pictures of our spine. This is nothing to fear…AND YET…these “special tests” are sold to the public as windows to a cure. They are NOT. Fear and anxiety only serve to heighten the body’s pain response. Plus most individuals who have “abnormal findings”…(aka age related changes) DO NOT HAVE ANY PAIN.
- Believe that any sheet of exercises handed out from a doctor who did a 2 minute exam will solve any problem. Most likely it won’t. It was created by some assistant who knows nothing about your specific problems or needs. Don’t fall prey to this one
Everyone wants a solution. No one ever says I want to keep living with neck pain. The above 5 things are what should not be done. What should be done is to be seen by an expert in treating neck pain without medication, imaging, and who spends more than 5 minutes performing a comprehensive examination. If you are interested in a SOLUTION for your neck pain, here are 2 Great Options.
- Click HERE and request do at home tips to relieve neck pain or
- Fill out this quick form HERE to request a FREE phone consult where you can learn the necessary steps to take to solve your neck pain
The choice is yours…continue status quo or get answers today.
Stay tuned next week for the 3 Most Important Things to be included in a plan to solve neck pain.