Many individuals have creaking or cracking of their knees, but is that really a problem? In most cases – NO, but the answer is not necessarily a simple one. To more fully answer it, more questions must be asked and answered first to understand more about the nature of the noises.

photo credit – Addingrefs
Lets begin with just what are the noises? It is technically called crepitus or joint noises. The noises often are related to rubbing of the joint surfaces, specifically the underside of the knee cap on the rest of the knee complex underneath it. What causes this? One reason could be changes to the tissues between the bones. This is something that just happens with age and isn’t necessarily a problem. Another possible cause is tightness of the thigh muscle resulting in increased pressure and the rubbing. A third reason is just because bones and joints make noises periodically….(thinking like cracking a knuckle).
Sometimes individuals will not report any discomfort or pain associated with the joint noises. But other times pain may be associated. So now what?
Well…The good news is, regardless of the specific reason or cause, there are treatment options that can be successful. Just what you may ask? It starts with learning the reason for the noises as described above. Once we know a “cause” we can work backwards to a solution. This solution could come in the form of working on strengthening, flexibility, or balance/muscle coordination. Often addressing any or all of these factors can be helpful for the individual to reduce the noises and/or pain. First and foremost the primary objective is looking to relieve any pain or dysfunction a person may be experiencing. From there, whether the creaking or cracking remains becomes less of an issue.
So, to tie a bow around the question at hand – is creaking or creaking of the knee a problem – Often Not. But if you have it or know someone who does and are concerned, then make the call to the muscle and joint experts (a physical therapist) who can give you the tune-up your body wants or needs. Have questions you want answered? Call 717-440-6197 to have your questions answered by an expert or Click HERE or HERE for more information.