Do you feel dizzy

  • May 27, 2024

Do you ever feel dizzy? Dizziness can appear for many different reasons, some of which are more easily treated than others. Some potential causes for dizziness include: medication side effects, standing up too quickly causing a drop in blood pressure), changing head/body position (positional vertigo), moving head too quickly (this could be eye or vestibular related), when reading.

What can be done depends on the cause. With respect to possible medication side effects or taking too many medications, this involves a discussion with your physician. Ask about side effects of your medications and/or if any changes can or need to be made. For those who get dizzy when they sit or stand up too quickly, this could be the result of a drop in blood pressure. If this is the case, the best advice is to sit at the edge of the bed before getting up and then to pause when standing up before starting to walk to allow the blood pressure to stabilize. This is a good way to reduce dizziness and potentially falls. Another option is to perform sitting marches or leg extensions before standing to get the blood pumping. Either way, these are good options.

If you find you are dizzy with turning your head quickly or when changing your head/body position this could be positional dizziness or vertigo. This form is best treated via specific head repositioning maneuvers. These are regularly performed by a physical therapist trained in treating dizziness or vestibular disorders. This type of dizziness is generally easily assessed and treated. Finally if you get dizzy when reading or staring at a computer the question should be asked…when was your last eye doctor appointment. It is worthwhile getting your eyes checked as certain types of dizziness can happen due to eye strain.

Regardless of the exact cause, it is recommended to seek treatment to avoid the potential for falls. Falls can be a major issue for aging adults and thus should be treated proactively or most certainly if a person experiences dizziness.

Should any of this sound like you it is recommended to consult a health professional to receive the best possible care quickly.

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