For the millions of individuals who suffer from sciatic pain, everyone is looking for a way to end the pain. If you Google the term sciatica you will find over 32 million hits. This kind of leaves the person looking unsure about what the correct answer is. Ice, heat, manipulation, McKenzie, medication, exercise, rest, etc…what to do?
Each and every one of those items and more COULD potentially be helpful, BUT which is right for you? See, sciatica is a general terms with many possible causes and variations. Thus there IS NOT a one-size fits all treatment plan for everyone. To discover what path is most likely to be helpful for you requires a thorough physical examination.
From this examination, the best path to feeling better will be revealed. But even before this examination, there is a more important step to be taken…

And this step is to not wait weeks to get help for sciatic pain. It is known (via research) that treatment for sciatic pain is MOST effective and the FASTEST when begun within 3-6 weeks. Meaning, waiting and waiting just hoping for it to get better is not the best option. It is important to get professional help sooner than later.
This professional help can then guide you to the most effective treatment path, which may include any of the above mentioned treatment options. But know this, staying active is the best medicine for any back and/or sciatic related pain. Sitting or lying around are about the worst things we could do for our backs…
So, get up, get moving, and find a qualified health professional to quickly guide you through sciatic pain.
Fill out this Quick FORM and request a phone consultation to learn just what is wrong and the best treatment path for you.