For those with an ache or pain of a muscle or joint your first thought should be to get PT 1st. Why you ask? Shouldn’t I see a doctor 1st? No. Not unless you really want pain killers, an injection, or surgery. Why is that? Well, that is because those are the options minus imaging available to doctors. Though they may suggest you consult with a physical therapist, but often after (valuable) time has passed.
A physical therapist (PT) however is armed with the tools to solve your muscle or joint problem. PTs solve muscle and joint issues from head to toe, including headaches and some dizziness issues. They will evaluate your issue or concern, and then develop a program that will solve the actual problem vs putting a pharmaceutical band-aide on the issue. Additionally, you are less likely to be exposed to unnecessary testing and potential costs of imaging that will not solve the problem. Worse yet, too often people are told normal aging changes are seen on images…though they are described in more negative terms. These terms become labels and diagnoses that people hold onto…even though they are normal changes.
So, what will seeing a PT do for you?
As mentioned above, they will evaluate your problem and prescribe a plan of active movements or exercise. This plan will resolve flexibility, strength, or coordination issues that are at the root of muscle or joint problem. Very likely treatment will include some form of hands-on interventions which are known to be highly beneficial in an overall treatment plan. And then you will likely be given some “homework”. Because without the individual doing their prescribed program at home, the improvements are likely to be much slower or less complete.
But this sounds like a lot of work?
Maybe…but if your pain or limited activity tolerance is resolved, wouldn’t it be worth it?
So, what is the next step?
To make the decision to act. Whether the ache or pain has been present for days, weeks, or months a PT can help solve your problem. Click the following LINK to connect with an expert who can help get you moving again.