Did you know that there are more than 15 different headache classifications? When people think about headaches, most think about tension-type or migraines. Some headaches are associated with diet, stress, the environment, or even hormones. In these instances, the solution could be modification of diet, avoidance of certain environmental triggers, medication, and/or lowering stress level.
People often spend weeks, months, or years attempting to find a solution to their headaches. At times people visit numerous different doctors and attempt multiple medications before finding a solution; while others are left without answers.
But there is another form of headache that can be related to neck pain. This form, called a cervicogenic headache, is easily treatable. These headaches tend to begin with head/neck movement and neck muscle tension tends to be present. Often a person with this type of headache will complain of a one-sided headache wrapping along the side of their head to behind their eye.
If you are someone who has been suffering with headaches that get worse with head movements and sound similar to that described above, you may very well be someone with these cervicogenic headaches. They tend to not respond to conventional medication, leaving many lost, confused, and frustrated.
Individuals suffering from this type of headache typically respond well to soft tissue work to their neck and scalp. This will then be followed up with facilitated and specific neck movements. These movements will help to restore joint movement of the neck which tend to be a reason an individual had the headache in the first place.
It is possible for a person to enter treatment with a pounding headache and walk out with no headache. Many leave wondering why it took so long to figure out the best treatment. Don’t suffer any longer. Get the help your head needs and deserves.