When a person is dealing with hip or groin pain, the question often asked is what is the cause of it? On the surface though the answer to this question may not be quite so easily answered. First we need some more information like:
- What makes it worse?
- What makes it better?
- Have you ever had something like this before?
- Any prior back or hip troubles?
- Was this from one incident or did it come on slowly?
Once we better understand the issue, then we can figure out the source (hip, groin, spine, or some combination).
To begin to pull about spine or hip try these movements

- Squat
- Stand on one leg
- Bend forward and backward
What changed when you did these movements? Did the leg symptoms get better, worse, or stay the same?
If bending forward/back created the symptoms on the hip/groin – we may be thinking more of the spine as the source. However, if squatting and one leg balancing produced the symptoms then the hip moves up the list of likely factors. And if all 3 bothered you, then both issues are still on the table with further examination necessary.
How to decide the best treatment?
This will truly depend upon what is the most likely source. Most individuals will take a wait and see approach thinking with a little time – all will be better. That is fine and that approach does work (sometimes), BUT what happens if it does not. Then weeks or months may pass, and now it is starting to impact daily function.
No need to just wait and see. Get some eyes on the issue – get these questions answered – and get back to enjoying an active lifestyle quickly (without these hip and groin issues).
Don’t know where to begin? Try filling out this Quick Form requesting a call back to ask your questions and begin to get answers today.