Do you feel hunched over (your computer)? Are you one of the millions who feel their posture is the root of the neck, upper back, or shoulder pain? If so, you are far from alone…AND there are things you can do about it. What you ask? It all starts with MOVEMENT.
That is right…movement. Time to get up and move on the regular…as in at least once per hour. Yes, I realize you like many are busy pounding away at work on a computer, tablet, or on the phone. But that should not prevent you from getting up to move. This movement changes your “posture” thus requiring you to use different muscles. It is using ALL your muscles that helps you to avoid aches and pains from working 8 hours a day at a computer.
See when you spend 8+ hours per day sitting to work then sit to drive to/from work, then sit more at home, you are not using your muscles to their capacity. Specifically you are not balancing out the muscles required for activity. When you sit all day – hunched over a computer – you only work out half the body. Over time strain on the system develops, thus producing pain. BUT if you get up to move, just walk for 2 minutes every hour, this will help reduce the strain and pain.
Even better will be to perform a series of movements or exercises to address the opposite muscles from those used when sitting. These can be rather simple movements that take but 1-2 minutes every hour or so to complete. Think that isn’t enough? Well, more would be even better, but this amount will help offset the strain of sitting and allow the body to not hurt so much.
Don’t believe me? Then time to learn for yourself a series of simple exercises to reduce and then eliminate your pain associated with feeling hunched over your computer.
Not sure where to begin. Then click the following LINK to connect with a muscle and joint expert who can begin helping you out of pain. Sure, you can try searching the internet for exercises, but will they be the right ones for you. Why waste more time in pain when an expert can prescribe the BEST ones for you?
So the choice is yours…spend more time in pain OR connect with an expert TODAY.