Many believe that an MRI is necessary to start treatment for back pain. This belief is not true. In fact, having an MRI can be more detrimental in the long-term.
You may have read or heard that back pain is quite common. So common that about 80% of individuals will deal with back pain at some point. In the majority of cases, it will resolve in a matter of weeks. But for others, that pain can last longer, months or years even. Stories like those are one reason people feel they need advanced imaging. But also the overall belief that given technology we need to know every tiny detail. This is where the detriment of imaging begins.
Understand there are small variations within the human body in folks WITHOUT any symptoms. Then begin to add in normal aging changes. And now we get to a situation where a person who develops pain has an MRI. Now this MRI is going to pick up on normal variability plus those age-related changes. But since the person in question has pain currently – those findings MUST be the reason. And so, people now begin to fixate on the reported findings not really understanding that most are normal. Very likely they were present months or years before they had any symptoms at all. But now those “issues” or “findings” must be fixed. Here enters the psychological component.
When people focus on the findings they start to believe the only solution is to “FIX” the issue. Well that means surgery. But since most people do not want surgery or surgery really is not appropriate (which is most of the cases), they begin to fear and avoid activity. This avoidance leads to weakness, deconditioning, and the persistence of pain. A vicious cycle is entered that can be extremely hard to break free from.
So what if I told you there is another way? A path that does not involve an MRI but leads to a return to function without pain? Would you take it?
I would hope so…but so many are insistent on imaging.
As mentioned before, most cases of back pain will resolve within a few weeks, especially if provided proper care. So why not start with the proper care? Active movement, exercise, and reassurance. Those 3 items typically go a long way to resolving back pain.
Want to know more about solving back pain without needing and MRI or the resulting fear or anxiety about the findings?
Then CLICK this link to speak with a back pain expert.
You have the power to no longer live with back pain – USE IT.