For those avid golf enthusiasts never a one wants to be limited playing due to elbow pain. Inner elbow pain, often termed “golfer’s elbow”, can be quite a problem for golfers. This pain is common in some golfers due to swing mechanics or accidently grounding of the club head. The injury is basically a strain to the inner forearm muscles/elbow ligaments.
While the injury may be painful, it is not usually career-ending. Provided with rest from swinging a golf club and proper treatment, the person can resume playing again.

golf / golfer
The key in the preceding statement is treatment. Rest from swinging will not fully solve the problem. A professional assessment of strength and mobility not just of the injured elbow but the entire body should happen. Believe it or not, weakness or mobility issues in other joints (hips, back, shoulder) can be reasons for elbow pain. Once any deficits are noted an appropriate program to address can be put into motion. The good news is that addressing full body strength and mobility tend to improve overall performance. That’s right…not only will rehab help solve the pain but can actually improve someone’s performance.
Additionally, an analysis of swing mechanics is probably in order as well. This analysis will be able to highlight areas of both strength and weakness that when addressed will help not only protect the body from future injury but also improve power and distance hit. And who playing golf is not looking for an answer to strike the ball better and further?
So, if you or a playing partner is struggling with elbow pain, know that there are good solutions. Don’t miss another golf outing due to pain.