The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body. At times this joint has the capacity to make noises when it moves. As such many wonder if it is bad if their shoulder “pops”? And to that question the answer is…it depends.
It depends upon whether this is pain when this happens. Also does the shoulder get “stuck” and limit arm motion or function? If the answer to these questions is no, then the level of concern is low. However, it may still be worth it to get a professional medical opinion. Why you ask? To prevent future issues from developing. Addressing strength and muscle control can be highly protective for the shoulder.

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For those where there is associated pain, the shoulder feels “stuck” at times or there is movement limitation then it certainly is wise to have the shoulder examined. The cause of any of those issues needs to be evaluated and treated. In a good enough percentage conservative care for the shoulder can and will resolve the problem. The person will be able to function normally without concerns about injury to their shoulder. They may just be someone who ends up with a shoulder that makes noises.
However, for others the “popping” experienced is the result of an injury that just will not resolve with conservative treatment. What injury or condition you ask? Well, if the person sustained trauma to their shoulder resulting in a dislocation, it is possible to stretch out or tear some of the stabilizing structures in the shoulder. For some the body will tighten back up, but for others it will not. When this happens, the individual will be more likely to experience repeated dislocations. And when that happens enough, further damage to the shoulder can occur which needs to be addressed surgically. For these folks, the popping experienced tends to be quite uncomfortable and at times rather painful. Conservative rehab can be attempted but the long-term success rates are unfortunately much lower.
So back to the initial question, is it bad if my shoulder “pops”? Maybe. If you have concerns, then it is wise to consult a muscle and joint specialist first. That is barring your shoulder is stuck out of place. It is good to start with the least invasive option and if all else fails then orthopedic intervention remains an option.
Not sure what is the best option?
Click HERE to request a conversation with a muscle and joint specialist to determine the best path forward for you.