Regularly individuals ask the question is surgery their only answer for arthritis pain?
For the majority, the answer will be NO…provided they do not wait years until the pain becomes horribly activity limiting. There are great options to help individuals become more active and with less pain, even if they have arthritis. Working with a skilled muscle and joint specialist can maximize joint motion, strength, and balance such that any arthritis has minimal impact. These three items are key to helping people maintain an active pain-free lifestyle.
Right now, there are millions of individuals walking around just fine, living with arthritis…because if we live long enough arthritis happens. Arthritis is age-related changes in the joints and does not HAVE to result in pain or activity avoidance. The medical community has spread the belief that there is no cure for arthritis.

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In reality, active movement is the #1 remedy for arthritis aches and pains. Sitting around avoiding movement is about the worst thing possible for someone living with arthritis. Motion is Lotion…meaning movement lubricates the joints and helps to keep them healthy and happy.
But isn’t surgery still inevitable…if someone has arthritis?
Once again, the answer is a resounding NO. Provided an individual is willing to put in some effort to be active surgery can be avoided. This is not to say it will be easy or there will not be periods of pain along the way. That statement is especially true for individuals who opt to wait to act until the pain builds to an activity limiting level.
The best course of action is to seek help very early in the process. This means when a person notices some movements or activities are starting to become more difficult. Or directly after a doctor tells them they “have arthritis.” Age does not mean we “can’t”, but it means we either must put in some extra work or slightly adjust say the level of intensity. But it does not mean we stop all activity.
If you are someone who wants to remain active and keep your joints yours and avoid surgery, then what are you willing to do? Are you ready to get to work?
If so, then click this LINK and request a FREE phone consultation to learn you can remain active, mobile, and healthy.