The Iliotibial Band or ITB for short is a common structure frequently blamed for hip and/or knee problems. This tissue is supposedly the root cause of ITB friction syndrome, hip bursitis, and outer knee pain. But is it really to blame? And what can be done to solve the problems it is blamed for?

The reality is the Iliotibial Band is a long fascial “band” of tissue running from the outside of the hip to the knee. Its main function is to act as a supporting structure. It has no contractile properties as muscles do. This means it just goes along for the ride, following the direction of the surrounding muscles. As such, even if the ITB seems tense, tight, or sore, the best way to solve the problem is “indirect” treatment.
So…what follows are the Top 3 Things to Solve ITB Problems Once and For All
- Strengthen the Gluts – Often because we sit too much, the gluts become relatively weaker than its opposing muscle group (hip flexors and TFL). As a result, there is an asymmetry in muscle firing pattern that runs from the hip to the knee. In turn increased strain on the ITB happens causing pain.
- Improve ankle strength and balance – Believe it or not, lack of strength and balance at the ankle can result in more strain being absorbed at the knee. This then results in more stress on the ITB and thus pain.
- Improve lower body control with a step down or squat – often when individuals attempt a one-footed squat their knee with dive inward due to a lack of control. When this happens, increased torque through the hip and knee occur. Here is a 3rd instance of increased strain on the ITB.
There you have it…the Top 3 Things to Solve ITB issues and prevent them from coming back ever again.
Interested in the exact plan that will end that nagging ITB problem once and for all? If so, then fill out this quick form requesting a phone chat to learn what that ITB problem is holding you back from.