Rates of Knee and Hip joint replacement surgeries are on the rise in the US. Every year hundreds of thousands of individuals have a joint replaced. But are these procedures always necessary?
Before one even considers having a joint replacement surgery, the question should be asked what else has been tried FRIST?

Typically in the US, when people visit a doctor for any joint pain they will immediately order diagnostic testing without 1st performing a good physical examination. Concern for “arthritis” is NOT a reason for ANY imaging EVER. Generally most will then offer injections or pain medications, both of which are known to have side effects that may not be great for the individual. Then the next comment is, well…when you are ready we will do surgery. Talk about setting a patient up for only one outcome.
Too frequently patients are not advised to seek more conservative measures 1st. Conservative treatments may include things like physical therapy, massage, acupuncture, etc. And when they do happen to be suggested, it is 1) WAY late in the process where only small gains can be made 2) told it probably won’t help but do it anyway (so negative expectations present) or 3) people do not put forth enough time and effort to see change happen.
Worst case scenario of conservative treatments is the individual has more strength, better flexibility, and increased range of motion…all of which are known to help people recover on the back in of any joint replacement. And they can still do the replacement but MAYBE just MAYBE, some individuals can avoid surgery altogether.
So back to the beginning, when it is time for surgery?
- After truly putting forth effort with conservative measures but did not achieve gains looking for- just going through the motions does not count
- The impact on daily life has reached a breaking point
- Other body parts are starting to complain due to changing walking pattern to avoid pain and #1 has failed
The only question that remains is…what are you willing to do to keep your joints YOURS?
If you are done with pills, injections, discussion of surgery and want a more natural path to keeping your joints and avoid surgery then we should talk. Why not learn if there is anything that can be done to help improve your pain and mobility. If interested, click HERE to request a personalized call back to discuss your goals and wants.