Neck and Arm Pain

  • May 20, 2024

Are you someone who is dealing with both neck and arm pain? What initially began as just neck pain has since radiated down and into the arm. These sensations could be numbness, tingling, burning, or just pain. No matter the exact symptoms people experience, they just want them to go away.

Often the first thought of people with these symptoms is that they have a “pinched nerve”. True, these symptoms could be linked to a possible pinched nerve but there are other potential causes as well. Regardless of the source, the goal is to find what will alleviate the symptoms.

At times that answer is easily discovered while in other cases it is more difficult. This could be a certain position a person puts their head or neck in or even a specific movement can be relieving. The primary goal is limit what provokes and do more of what feels better…at least in the short term. From there, actually addressing the why it started (or the source) will become more important.

Who should I see for this problem?

Well, you could visit your PCP but chances are you will just be provided with medication, told it will get better and come back if not, or recommended to consult with an orthopedic. At an orthopedics office, they will perform routine x-rays which may or may not show anything, possibly offer an injection, suggest further imaging, and likely refer out to a physical therapist. Possibly your best option…especially if you are not interested in medication or an injection is to 1st visit a physical therapist. This provider can evaluate the problem and determine the best course of action that is least invasive. And if change is not made quickly, they are well positioned to refer you to the next best health provider to assist.

What exactly will a physical therapist do for my neck and arm pain?

Good question. Well…it begins with the exam. What exactly makes the pain better or worse? The goal is to reduce/eliminate the arm pain quickly even if the neck pain temporarily increases. The plan will likely include some combination of hands-on care plus active exercise. This combination has been shown to be effective in reducing pain in those with neck and arm symptoms. The exact sequence of movements or exercises will be individualized but chances are improvement will be made. Once the pain reduces the next goal is to fully restore range of motion, strength, and endurance for the system.

Ready to be done with neck and arm pain? Then click the following LINK to speak with an expert today to learn more.