A common question I get asked about is “are noisy creaky knees” something to worry about?
On the surface the answer is not necessarily but we must dig deeper to know more.
One of the most important things to consider is any associated pain with the noise. If not, then there is less to be concerned about. However, should there be pain with the noise then greater consideration and treatment should be considered. Even in the absence of pain, some treatment is advised (more on this in a moment).

The other key thing to understand is if there is any function or mobility impairment. Meaning, are daily activities such as going up/down steps more difficult or standing up from a chair, or getting in/out of the car. If activities such as these are more difficult and associated with the noises, then there is some work to do.
So now we know the 2 most important things to consider above and beyond just noisy knees.
Next – what can be done to help?
Generally speaking, there are 4 KEY steps to reduce pain, improve daily activity function, and hopefully decrease some of the noise

- Address tight muscles – specifically the quad muscles. Often when the quad muscles get a little tight, this causes compression of the knee cap. The result is the knee cap makes noise and potentially causes pain with bending and straightening the knee.
- Strengthen the leg muscles – in this case it will be important to strengthen not only the quads but also the gluts. Believe it or not, if the gluts are not working hard enough, more work is done by the quads and thus more strain onto the knees
- Improve balance – strange but true. Improving balance enables the knee to adapt to changes in walking surface. The better the knees can adjust rapidly, the better for knee health
- Endurance – get walking, even if uncomfortable to begin with. Our bodies are made to move. The more we move the joints the better lubricated with fluid they are. Generally speaking, better lubricated joints move and feel better
There you have it. The 4 Key MUST Dos to reduce knee pain, improve daily activities, and hopefully reduce those noisy knees. But again, it is fine that they make some noise so long as that remains the #1 complaint.
Interested in more specifics on how to overcome noisy knees or associated pain/activity limits? If so then you have 2 great options.
1) Click HERE for FREE information on Reducing Knee Pain
2) Fill out this quick form requesting a phone consult about the next best step.