Numbness and Tingling in the Legs

  • March 10, 2025

Is there anything that can be done for this numbness and tingling in the legs? The answer to this question will depend on exactly what the source or cause of the symptoms is. Some issues will be more amenable to treatment. Let me explain the potential causes and treatment.

To begin with, the numbness and tingling could be a referral of symptoms from the back. Often this is called a radiculopathy, and the location of the symptoms will fit a specific pattern. Typically, if the numbness and tingling is referred from the back it will respond to specific treatment provided for the back.

Another condition that is spine related that can result in these symptoms is called stenosis. In this case people are likely to experience symptoms when standing/walking and they will go away when sitting. While the stenosis will not change, there are treatment options that may potentially reduce the symptoms.spinal adjustment

In some cases, the source of symptoms can be nerve tension due to compression in some muscle group. Common areas where compression can occur include the gluteals, hamstring, hip/quad, and outer knee region. When this is the case, specific soft tissue treatments and/or stretching/nerve gliding can be effective.

There are conditions where numbness and tingling are unlikely to respond to physical treatments. These conditions include various types of neuropathies including peripheral and diabetic. In these instances, physical treatment is unlikely to improve symptoms and must hope medication can help control the experience.

Now back to the conditions where treatment can improve or reduce the numbness or tingling in the legs. If a person feels they fit one of these previously described classifications, their chance of success with treatment is high. The next step is to seek consultation with a healthcare professional who is an expert in this area. Who you ask? A muscle and joint expert. They will evaluate and then provide expert recommendations from a treatment perspective to resolve your concerns.

Ready to be done with the numbness and tingling in the legs?

Click the Following LINK to connect with an expert today who will help solve your concerns.

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