Pain with squatting and steps are 2 of the biggest complaints for those struggling with knee complaints. But why is this? And what can be done about it?
For those living with daily knee pain, many are searching for answers to those 2 questions. And the answer begins with determining what factors are contributing to the knee troubles. Is there good motion of the knee joint, how is the muscle strength and flexibility of the thigh? It also requires thinking beyond the knee as well. Meaning, is there good movement at the ankle joint and how is the hip strengthen?

Lets start directly with knee motion. If a person does not have full motion at their knee, they will likely be putting increased pressure somewhere about the knee joint and potentially resulting in pain. Next, flexibility of the thigh muscle- if the quad it a bit tight, then there may be increased friction about the patellofemoral joint (think knee cap), which can cause issues (with squats and steps). And if a person does not have sufficient strength of the quad muscle, then increased strain will go through the knee joint instead of being absorbed in this muscle group. Any or all of these issues about the knee can result in knee pain and should be addressed.
Now, thinking outside the knee about factors which may contribute to knee pain. If a person is missing mobility at their ankle, this force can actually translate up to the knee. How? Well, the shin bone must move about the ankle joint and if it cannot, then this force will be absorbed at the other end…the knee. Finally, the hip. As important as the foot is, the hip is responsible to control the lower leg. With excessive movement at the hip because of reduced strength of the glut muscles, this will change the forces as the knee as well. Believe it or not, the gluts are a big deal. Improving strength here can go a long way to absorb forces and reduce the strain at the knee with squats and steps.
Don’t believe it- do 10 butt squeezes for 10 seconds each and then after resting for 1-2 minutes then try to do the stairs or squat – did what you feel about the knee seem different?
Now that you know some of the issues that may be leading to knee pain with squats and steps, are you ready to do something about it? Not quite sure where to begin? Then fill out this quick FORM to get your questions answered and be on your way to long longer living with knee pain squatting and doing steps.