The comment “my pelvis is out” or “my hips are off” are very common. But…are they really?
Is it possible to function for daily life if this was truly the case?
Now this is a rather controversial topic (based on individual beliefs), BUT in the end…does it matter?…IF the end result is the individual feels better?
From a strictly biomechanical perspective, except for extremely rare circumstances (outside of trauma, pre/post pregnancy, certain genetic conditions), it is not possible for the pelvis to be displaced or the hips “out”. Scientific data and imaging has proven this false.

So what then are people (healthcare providers) commenting on?
Often times the commentary surrounds palpation tests whereby the provider places hands about the pelvis and adjacent landmarks and makes a judgement on “level or not”. What you should know is provider palpation reliability of landmarks like this is poor (based on data). Most often what is observed is a temporary asymmetry in the muscle system making things appear “off”.
So then why does the person feel better after some stretch, adjustment, or manipulation?
Simply put, the input into the system (stretch, adjustment, manipulation) created a change whereby the person with pain could start to move more comfortably. (This does not mean anything was “put back in place”- again proven by x-rays to not actually happen). By then starting to move more freely again, the body’s pain response starts to turn off – and the person will start to feel more normal again in minutes to days.
But why then does it feel like the treatment is needed again?
Often times, this will be due to the entire picture (the reason for the problem) not being addressed. The hands-on treatment may very well be the right thing needed to jump start the system, but more was likely needed. This could be more stretching, strengthening, or some other form of training for the body.
In the end I will go back to the beginning…Does it matter? The source? The cause? Or if it can be helped to feel better?
Looking for more answers to what your back, hips, pelvis feel off? Then click this LINK to begin getting your questions answered.