2020 marks that year that Physical Therapy (as we know it today) turns 100. Quite a lot has happened in the last 100 years of this profession. Now the role that a physical therapist plays goes back well further but will stick to the last 100 years.
It was in 1921 that what would become the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) began under the leadership of Mary McMillan. At that time, a major role was treating injured soldiers having returned from WWI as well as those struck by polio.

From that point, the profession has grown leaps and bounds both in terms of education and who we serve. What started basically as a trade/apprenticeship program went to college. It started with a bachelors degree, then progressed to a master’s and has now received its doctorate. That’s right- PTs have their doctorate degrees. And even beyond our 1st professional degree, we have paths to complete residency and fellowship training. These advanced degrees assist in further development of skills useful to serve our patients even better.
PTs are experts in neuromusculoskeletal health and wellness. This means PTs treat individuals who have wide ranging conditions and work inside many different settings. You will find PT working in hospitals, nursing homes, home health, outpatient clinics, and even serving men and women deployed around the globe. As for who PTs treat…well that list is rather long. But in short, we help an individual who has some muscle or joint pain, has difficulty completing daily tasks, wants to avoid medication or surgery, athletes, and yes those post-surgery.
Physical therapists have the potential to help more than you may think. And the best part is, you are able to see one first, without having to visit a doctor. That’s right – PTs are 1st line care providers for individuals with muscle or joint aches/pain. This means no having to wait days to see a doctor for that injury. And don’t worry, if a PT is not the best person to help – you will then be referred onto the best person to help you.
So…quite a lot has changed and happened over the last 100 years. I wonder what is in store in the next 100.