The principles of Pilates are consistent with an exercise program that promotes back health and can help relieve back pain. Learning awareness of the alignment of the spine and strengthening the postural muscles are two important elements. Secondarily, Pilates improves strength, flexibility, and suppleness of the muscles of the hips and shoulder girdle. You need to take care of your spine but also everything that connects to your spine to have better spine health.

To achieve these objectives, a safe and effective way to do this is on the Pilates apparatus. Using the machines provide support allowing for fluid and assists movement through these joints preventing unnecessary stress. Forget that they might look like medieval torture machines…you can get a great, safe, highly beneficial workout on them.
The principles of Pilates can often be found integrated into a physical therapy plan of care. There are many more similarities than one may think. Expanding research shows Pilates provides benefits for people with both subacute and chronic low-back pain. Findings from numerous high quality studies demonstrate individuals participating in a regular program of Pilates (2x/week) achieved improved function with less pain after at little as 6 weeks. And these improvements were sustained at 6, 12, and 24 week follow ups.
What does this mean for you?
If you have low back pain you may want to consider asking your PT to integrate Pilates into your program. If you find the intro exercises enjoyable then you may be a good candidate to transition into a regular class upon conclusion of your treatment.
That said, you will want individualized instruction to begin with so that you can learn the basic movements and the instructor can get to know your strengthens and weaknesses. Also be looking for an instructor with experience working with individuals who have back pain.
Once you begin, you need to stick with this program for at least 6 weeks (just like any new exercise program) to begin to generate the positive results you are probably looking for. Living with back pain does not have to limit your daily life and Pilates can be an important piece.
For more information on the benefits of Pilates, feel free to contact Allison Zang, owner Absolute Pilates at