Popping or cracking of your knees

  • September 2, 2024

Do you experience popping or cracking of your knees? Know that noisy knees are common and in most cases are not a problem.

What is the source of the noises that come from the knees? Well, there are a few potential sources.

First, the louder “crack or thunk” that happens in particular when straightening your knees standing up from a chair is often from the femur and tibia moving on one another. It is usually just one loud noise and that is it.  Very common even in folks without knee issues.

Next, some folks will hear/feel a “pop” when bending or straightening the knee when sitting. This usually feels very superficial and is often the knee cap sliding in its groove. This may happen once or several times in a row. But it generally is nothing to worry about, and is just noise.

Then, there is the “grinding or crackling” sound some experience when squatting or walking up/down stairs. Generally this is produced from the underside of the patella moving in its groove. Typically there is no associated pain, but for some there can be.

The good news is with each of these conditions, often there is no pain. That said, it does not mean there is nothing that can be done. In some cases, working to improve muscle flexibility as well as strength can make a difference.

Most feel the popping or cracking of your knees is a big problem, but again, most often there is not a major issue at play. But if you have concerns then you can certainly work address potential contributing elements.

Not sure where to begin?

Then contact a muscle and joint expert who can guide you to a working solution. Click the following LINK to connect with an expert.

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