I am often how asked for advice on how to begin and exercise program (safely). Many people I speak with want to exercise for stress relief, to lose weight, to get in better shape for some event, or just for better health. At the same time these same individuals are concerned about some injury, condition, or just do not know how to get started. And because they have these concerns they do not get moving toward their goals.
So…to help out those who may have questions or concerns, I will look to provide some advice to hopefully get you moving in the right direction.

#1 Talk with a medical professional about your health conditions. Make sure you are safe for exercise from a general health standpoint. Chances are no matter what health conditions a person is living with, exercise can and will be helpful if done appropriately.
#2 Get those injury concerns looked at by a physical therapist. Use their knowledge to begin to get you moving in a safe direction. They will be able to direct and guide you to better mobility. Even if your concern may not be specific to some injury does not mean a physical therapist cannot help. They help people improve strength, flexibility, balance, and mobility.
#3 Once cleared by your physician and had any concerns addressed by a physical therapist, enlist the help of a personal trainer. Trainers can pick up right where things finished with the physical therapist. Trainers do not diagnose or treat any specific injury, but most tend to be knowledgeable about the human body, movement and how to help people improve strength, power, and endurance to live life better.
#4 Pick something you think you will enjoy, enlist a partner, and get moving. It does not matter at what level you begin, you just need to start. Even if it is just walking for 5 minutes, it is a start to build upon. Even if it makes you sore, it is good for the body and keep it up. Your body will adjust to the new activity and stop being sore after a few sessions.
There you have it. A recipe for success when looking to begin a new SAFE exercise program.
If you have any specific questions- leave a reply and get those questions answered.