Struggling to sleep at night due to shoulder pain is a common occurrence for anyone whose shoulder doesn’t feel right. Many will toss and turn endlessly searching for a more comfortable position to sleep.
Why is it the shoulder seems to be more bothersome at night than during the day?
Well, there are a few reasons for that.
- Focus or attention. During the day, we are busy living life and as a result our minds are thinking about other things – not the shoulder
- Cumulation of activity. Shoulders sometimes get mad by the end of the day from all the activity it did – reaching, lifting, carrying, etc. Our body has a capacity for so much activity and once that threshold is reaching soreness or pain can result. So once the shoulder is already mad, it takes less activity to upset it by the end of the day
- Position. For many, sleeping on one side or the other is preferable. And often times it just seems that the shoulder one likes to sleep on is the one that is hurting. Shoulders tend to not like the pressure of sleeping when sore.
So what can be done to solve these issues?
- Do something relaxing and enjoyable before bed every night. Put your mind in a happy state before going to bed
- If you found some activity, movement, or stretch that feels good for the shoulder – do that before bed
- Avoid sleeping on the aching shoulder. While is may be difficult, a better night’s sleep is likely to result if you can do so. Consider putting a pillow behind you so you cannot roll back over. Also try placing a pillow between your elbow and ribs on the sore shoulder. This opens more space and can be relaxing.
Yes – No one enjoys living with shoulder pain, and especially trying to sleep. But if you are able to try these 3 things, you are likely to get a better night’s rest.
Tired of waiting for the shoulder to get better and done with it interrupting your sleep? If so, then click this LINK and request a FREE phone consult to learn how you can be done with shoulder pain and be on your way to sleeping better again.