To stand or sit for work

  • July 29, 2024

Many people with desk jobs ask the question, is it better to stand or sit for work? Often the question comes as a result of some ache or pain. While for others is a topic du jour. The answer is not always clear cut, so lets talk about the pros/cons of each.

To begin with often the discussion will be centered around some ache or pain. Many individuals I have the opportunity to work with ask this question. They are aware the longer they sit at their desk the more they hurt. And while the specific pain may be different: neck, shoulder, back- often a key factor is total time sitting at the desk. Many will note after a few hours their pain will increase. So, in these instances the simplest solution is to get up and move regularly. Often this movement will then enable the person to sit back down and be productive again. Neck Pain at Desk Image

For some however, their pain will return shortly after sitting back down. In these instances, it becomes necessary to modify working conditions to one reduce the pain, and two help them to be more productive again. Because pain often disrupts concentration and makes us less productive. In a scenario like this, a standing desk is probably a good idea. Having the ability to change positions every hour or so can be greatly helpful. A standing desk has the potential to reduce some of those aches or pains…HOWEVER…

Some with neck or shoulder complaints have trouble getting the desk height/working position just right. Spending too much time head down, rounded shoulder position can be just as easy standing some times.  So it will be important to finesse the desk set up as well to reduce the long-term postural strain.

A select group of people will say their condition feels worse standing vs sitting. Well…in those instances sitting will be best. And it will be important again to make sure your desk set up is as optimal as possible. It can be tricky to achieve perfect posture all the time. This is ok. Our bodies are made to move in a variety of positions. The KEY is MOVEMENT. The more you move, likely the better your body will feel.

So…to answer is it better to stand or sit for work?? It depends on what feels best to you. Listen to your body…and above all move at least once an hour.