For those with a condition called spinal stenosis, walking can sometimes be a problem. This is a condition whereby the spinal canal narrows and as a result can put some pressure on nerve roots. The result of this could be a feeling of heaviness in the legs when walking, numbness or tingling, or pain. In most cases sitting down will relive those symptoms almost immediately. This is a hallmark sign of spinal stenosis.
The good news is spinal stenosis is a very slow progressing condition. And when treated in an early stage, the impact of this condition can be very minimal.
What can be done to lessen the impact?

Well, some of the major pieces that lead to trouble with walking for those folks with spinal stenosis is lack of mobility (spine and hips) as well as strength and overall endurance.
It is critical to make sure to maintain hip motion, especially extension as this is critical for walking. This can be done via specific self-stretching. Next, it is highly beneficial to promote spine motion. Often with age the spine will become stiff, but various exercises can be useful to maintain or regain the wiggle between those spine segments. Both hip and spine mobility can also be improved via hands-on treatments.
Often as individuals age they lose muscle mass – just happens. Plus some become more sedentary which results in both loss of muscle power and overall endurance. When taken together, these components impair a person’s ability to be mobile walking. They will fatigue more quickly and feel like they do not have the strength to keep walking…UNLESS they are bent over pushing a cart.
Whats The answer? –
Do the hard work to strengthen the back and butt muscles which are important for walking. AND start walking more…even if it is uncomfortable. Push oneself to walk to the onset of symptoms, sit to rest, and then get up and walk more. That is the only way to improve endurance, which will then enable the person to walk longer.
So…if you feel limited in walking by spinal stenosis – NOW is a great time to do something about it. There are two great options for you to consider
- Request a phone consultation to tell your story and learn more
- Request your own Low Back Analysis where you will leave with a proposed plan of action