Need help to stand up from a chair

  • September 23, 2024

Do you find you need help to stand up from a chair? Find that you need to push off the chair or pull up on another piece of furniture? Require multiple attempts to stand up? If the answer is YES to any of these questions, then it is past time to do something about it.

These issues are rather common and increase in numbers as people age. Why is that you ask? Well, as a person ages muscle mass, strength, and power tend to decrease. And a result of these changes it becomes more challenging for people to get up from a chair. Not only does it become difficult to get up from a chair but also getting in/out of a car or off a toilet. These are all things people need to do several times per day. So it is probably important to address these concerns…or better yet prevent them from happening in the first place.

So, what can be done about the decline in strength, power, and muscle mass? The answer is to work on it. Engage in physical activity and exercise to stimulate the muscles. Working out at the gym can be great, but…Functional training at home can be convenient and practical.

Don’t know where to begin? Well, the best place to start is by seeing a muscle and joint expert. This person will fully assess your situation and develop a program tailored to your needs. From there, you could continue what you learned at the gym or at home. Or you could begin to work with a personal trainer. This individual will be able to hold you accountable and push you to achieve your goals.

Do not struggle one more day trying to stand up from a chair. Take the steps to solve the issue or prevent it in the first place.  You can begin by clicking this LINK to request a consult with a muscle and joint expert who can get you moving in the right direction.


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