Trouble standing tall because of back pain is an extremely common event. Many individuals with new onset of back pain report this difficulty. And quite a few people with chronic back troubles report this debilitating problem up to several times per year.
When people have trouble standing up tall because of pain, often they become concerned. They are worried because for a period of time they struggle to complete simple daily tasks such as getting up from a chair and even dressing. Not only that, but far too often this inability to stand up tall results in the person skipping work.

When people are in this state they are desperate for answers…What is wrong? How can I make it go away?
What is wrong?
In most instances when someone cannot stand up because of back pain it is because the low back muscles are likely in “spasm” and pulling the person out of balance. The exact cause or reason for this is varied, but there are some likely beneficial do’s and don’ts to help get you through.
Don’t :
- Lay around hoping for it to get better- the body needs to be active
- Sit around all day- the pressure on the back is killer
- Think pain killers or muscle relaxors will solve the problem- it will take the edge off, but the root cause still needs to be addressed
- Attempt to remain active- walking is better than sitting even if it hurts
- Limit your time sitting (no more than 30 min at a time)
- Seek help from a qualified health and rehab provider- they will help get you through the severe point and then teach all the necessary steps to prevent the problem from coming back again.
If you have previously had trouble standing tall because of back pain, hopefully you have been turned onto a good home program to help prevent the issue from returning. If you have not been shown what to do or feel the program is not helpful or the problem persists, then it is time for a tune up and/or a refresher on the best program for you.

Looking for more specific answers?
You can grab from FREE information HERE on treating your back naturally OR you can request a phone call to discuss your concerns and learn a good action plan.