Tennis Elbow but don’t play tennis

  • June 17, 2024

Tennis Elbow, also known as lateral epicondylalgia is a condition that doesn’t just occur in people playing tennis. This condition can develop for a variety of non-tennis reasons. People who perform a high volume of repetitive motion activities involving gripping, turning, or twisting can develop this problem. Try to do almost any activity with your hands (type, drive, tie your shoes) and not utilize this area of the arm…not possible. Basically, tennis elbow is a repetitive strain/muscle-tendon overload issue.

When people develop pain in the outer elbow most assume it is tennis elbow and begin searching for solutions. Often people start with some stretching of the forearm muscles, icing, and/or potentially using a strap. It is also common for people to get an injection for pain relief if they happen to visit a doctor for their elbow pain. All of these are reasonable options but may not solve the problem. They may temporarily reduce the pain only for it to return. The reason for that is the root of the problem needs to be addressed.

Root of the problem? Yes, there likely is some deficit in strength, flexibility, joint mobility, or muscle endurance that needs to be addressed. The good news is these issues can be discovered and treated by a muscle and joint expert. This person will evaluate all the variables including daily life activities that produce the pain. From there an action plan will be created to work toward solving the problem/pain. Understand though that outer elbow pain tends to linger to some degree for a while…especially when it has been present for weeks or months. With the right treatment pain will lessen slowly but may take time to fully resolve.

If you would like to be done dealing with elbow pain, then it is probably time for action. Learn the steps necessary to finally be done with pain. Click the following LINK to speak with an expert who can help guide you back to your desired activities without pain.

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