What is so important about addressing balance concerns?
Great questions…Here’s why…
Balance tends to decline as people age due to not challenging the balance system as much as was done in younger years. In addition, the sensation in people’s feet also tends to decline over time. This resultant loss of sensitivity of the feet impacts the foots ability to adapt rapidly to changing surfaces as one walks. Altogether these issues lead to unsteadiness on one’s feet…And as a result, people are more susceptible to falls.
Falls become a much more significant issue as people age due to increased likelihood of major injuries. Broken bones, hospitalizations, head injuries and more are known results from falls. Not only are these significant issues, but once a person falls, often increased fear of falling results.

And…people who fall once are at a much higher risk of falling again.
How do we address balance concerns?
By directly and specifically working on balance. This is best and safest to be initiated while working with a healthcare provider who specializes in balance. It is important to learn not only the exercises/activities that can be done to improve balance, but also how to be safe in doing so.
Working on balance is not necessarily always fun, but it is a very important part of a rehab or an exercise program for aging adults.
Beyond working specifically on balance, helping an individual to properly select and use an assistive device if necessary for balance and falls prevention should be done. The goal is always to use the least restrictive device while promoting safe mobility.
So…for someone who is concerned about or has concerns for a loved one’s balance, addressing this concern is key. Not sure of the next step? Click HERE to request a phone call to discuss how addressing balance concerns can improve one’s quality of life and prevent future falls.