Last week the topic of discussion was what not to do and today the focus will be on the top 3 KEY elements to solve neck pain. These are key items that should be included in any plan to eliminate neck pain.
Almost regardless of the exact cause for neck pain, these 3 items are sure to reduce pain.

- Hands-on treatment – some form of touch to the neck has been shown time and again to be powerful. The gentle touch of a specialist can help calm down even the most severe of neck pain. The right touch will be discovered via a physical examination.
- Exercise – while many may think exercise will be harmful or hurt, the exact opposite is true. Careful selection and prescription of the right exercise is powerful as relieving pain and restoring lost motion. Holding your neck stiff, scared to move will only make it hurt more…so move often based on the recommendation of the specialist who evaluated you
- Education – has anyone ever really told you why your neck hurts? Understanding what is going on is important to reduce the stress and anxiety that often go with pain. Further, being told what to expect in terms of recovery is empowering. Knowing that neck pain is very common and tends to recover quickly when provided with the right stimulus is comforting to many. So make sure whoever evaluates your neck does this part.
Looks simple right? It can be. Researchers have demonstrated time and again that a combination of these 3 elements tend to produce the best results for people with neck pain. You deserve the best treatments possible to solve your neck pain.
If you are looking for a solution to solve your neck pain but are not sure where to start you have 2 Great options
- Click HERE for a FREE resource to attempt self treating at home
- Request a FREE phone consult HERE to learn more how to best solve your neck pain.
Are you ready to live neck pain FREE?