As people age a concerning issue is trouble getting up from a chair. Some struggle to the point of having to push up with their hands or make several attempts rocking back and forth before successfully getting up. Not only is getting up from a chair difficult but this also relates to trouble with stairs, getting in/out of car, as well as up from the toilet. The good news is, things can be done to address or prevent this.
To begin with, remaining active and not becoming sedentary as one ages is important. Physical activity stimulates not only blood flow but also muscles. Muscle not worked become lazy and relatively weaker. Some form of cardiovascular exercise is great (be it walking, cycling, or elliptical). Do something fun that gets your heart pumping blood.

Next, working on lower body strength is essential. This can be achieved in many ways that are easily accomplished without having to go to a gym.
- Standing up and sitting down from kitchen chair – do this at least 30-40x/day
- Walking up and down stairs at home is great- attempt to go step over step and not rely too heavily on hand rails (if necessary for safety then absolutely do so)
- Lunge to a step
Beyond strength, power is a crucial element for being able to maintain functional ability over time
- Again, stand up/sit down from chair, but this time very slowly sit and then the moment the butt hits the chair stand back up quickly (without fully sitting down).
- Slowly and with control walk down steps- the movement should be much slower than you would normally be walking down stairs
Taken together, cardiovascular exercise and working on strength as well as power are items that will help people to be successful getting up from a chair throughout the years.
Don’t let yourself become someone who struggles with simple daily activities. If you have any concerns – take the time to learn how to overcome and improve such that you will be able to enjoy activities for years to come. Learn more by requesting a phone consultation (HERE)