Having trouble or pain with stairs

  • September 9, 2024

Are you having trouble or pain with stairs? Find yourself dreading walking up or down steps or avoiding them altogether? If so, then it is probably past time to address this issue.

Every day many people struggle with the stairs. Most just do them regardless but wish there was a way to solve the problem. People routinely struggle for weeks or months on end just hoping one day it will not hurt. Often folks just do not know what to do or who can help them with their problem. So, let’s discuss ways to resolve these aches and pains.

To begin with it is necessary to find the right provider to help you. Many will initially opt to consult their family doctor or even orthopedic. But if you are not looking for medication, an injection, or surgery those really should not be your initial move.

Your first choice provider should be a muscle and joint expert. A person who specializes in optimizing the performance of the human body. This provider will examine your strength, range of motion, and learn how your body functions with a variety of tasks (including stairs). From this comprehensive examination, the root cause(s) will be determined. And from here an action plan can be set in place.

Most likely a treatment plan will consist of some combination of strengthening (hips, quads, hamstrings), flexibility (quad, hip flexors), and range of motion (knee, ankle) work for the lower body. You may be thinking why does this plan look potentially broad? Well, there can be numerous factors that relate to why a person has trouble or pain with stairs.

The next important question is – are you tired of dealing with pain?

If you are, then the next step should be to contact a muscle and joint expert. Click the following LINK to request a call with an expert who can help.

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