Trouble climbing or going down stairs are common complaints among individuals suffering with knee pain. Often individuals find creative ways to get up and down the steps. Alternatively, many will even avoid them altogether to escape knee pain.
So why does it hurt so much and is there anything that can be done?
There can be several different reasons, however, it tends to boil down to compression of the knee joint. When a

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person places one foot on the upper step and then shifts their weight onto that leg to “step up”, the quad muscle fires pulling on the knee cap. The knee cap slides and is “compressed” in the groove. This is how the movement should work. However, at times too much stress or strain happens, and it becomes painful to step up.
The simplest solution (that is not avoidance or only stepping up with one foot) is getting the gluteal muscles (butt) involved in the process of stepping up. Now you are probably saying how is my butt involved in stepping up? Well, optimally the gluteal muscles assist the quad muscles in performing a step up. Think of “raising up” on the step versus pushing oneself up. See, frequently when a person reports pain walking up stairs it is because the quad is doing extra work in driving the leg straight. By using the gluteal muscles, the quad works less hard and the compression of the joint is less…thus less pain.
A similar complaint is often reported walking down steps as well. When people experience pain going down steps, many will avoid stepping down with that leg for fear of falling. This fear is typically linked to that particular leg not supporting them well enough. Often the issue is related to weakness of the quad muscle, resulting again in increased compression (and pain). Thus, addressing the muscle strength of the quad and even the hip abductors has been shown to be hugely beneficial.
Frequently individuals will wait weeks or months hoping the pain with stairs will go away. Often people will attempt exercises they found online or try a sheet of exercises provided by a doctor. However, far too often these attempts do not result in the success people are looking for.
The Answer?
Seeking consultation from a qualified muscle and joint expert who specializes in helping individuals who find themselves limited in their daily activities (such as stairs) due to knee pain.
Ready to be rid of that knee pain so you can once again enjoy your activities and no longer dread walking up and down stairs?
If so, fill out this Quick Form and request a Free Phone Consultation to learn what option is best for you.