Have you ever felt like you were unable to stand tall? Either that you could not stand straight up or were leaning off to one side. These are common issues people with back pain may experience. For some these issues tend to be episodic. And when these issues occur, specific treatment plans need to be implemented.
Often people will initially take medication for the pain or muscle relaxers for the spasm they feel. For some they may work. However, if the reason for the issue is not addressed then it will certainly come back in the future. And for some the frequency will increase. What was once only one time per year can become three or four episodes. And they may last longer with subsequent episodes.
What is the cause of these issues?
Generally speaking, the source of these issues tends to be discogenic. This means there is some irritation or inflammation of the spinal disc. There may or may not be a bulge or herniation. Regardless, there are specific treatments that can address the problem and attempt to prevent recurrences.
Treatments that do not involve surgery? Yes.
First and foremost, the goal is to get people “upright”. Whether the individual just cannot stand tall or they are leaning off to one side…it is critical to get them standing tall. There are specific movements performed to accomplish this. Once upright the next goal is to help them get comfortable bending backwards. After that integration of strength and coordination exercises comes into play. One cannot skip steps lest they risk a setback.
Too often people get to the step of not having pain and they will stop. That is completely WRONG. This is when greater effort needs to be put into preventative steps. Think about brushing your teeth. You do it even though you do not have an issue…at the moment. The same needs to be done for your back health. You need to regularly perform a series of exercises. This will reduce the likelihood of future episodes.
Currently unable to standing tall or want to prevent future episodes? Then time to get serious about your back health. Click the following LINK to connect with a back expert who can guide you out of pain and to better back health.