Walking for better health

  • July 15, 2024

As you probably know, walking is good for your health. Some may think walking is not enough…but something is always better than nothing. You can achieve many benefits from walking, so let me highlight them here for you.

To begin with is simply cardiovascular health. While walking does not challenge the system as much as running, BUT a 20-30 min brisk walk will convey health benefits. It is recommended that people looking to use walking for exercise perform this activity at least 5 days a week. Even if you need to break the walks down to 10-15 minute increments, you can still get the benefits.

Feel like the time or effort is too much as so you just can’t find the motivation to begin? Start however slow you need to. You have to start somewhere…so just get moving.

Next, bone health. Yes, walking is a good way to stimulate bone health, especially for an individual concerned with bone density. It is wise to not wait until your doctor tells you there is concern for bone health (osteopenia or osteoporosis). But even if you were diagnosed with either of those conditions, beginning a walking program and help to strength and reduce bone loss.

Another important benefit of walking is mental health and well-being. Walking can be rather therapeutic. You can do the activity with a spouse or friend or even your four-legged friend. Walking your dog is a great way to get and keep moving. The social aspect of walking can have great benefits for many people. So find a friend and put your feet to the ground.

The number one reason people do not walk is pain. Pain of the knees, hips, and back are all reasons people use. Many worry about making a condition worse. If you have concerns about some ache or pain impacting your walking, it is wise to consult a muscle and joint expert. Allow the expert to help guide you back to a state where you feel confident and comfortable walking. Don’t know where to begin?

Click the following LINK for help.

These benefits and more can be derived from walking. So get moving to better health.