For some out there they may ask the question what does a Physical Therapist (PTs) do? And you may hear a response like – they just help injured athletes. Or they work with individuals after surgery. Well, yes physical therapists do work with those groups, BUT also many more.
When people think of physical therapists they should think of a profession that serves ALL individuals who have muscle or joint aches/pains, who have difficulty completing daily tasks, those who want to avoid taking pills or surgery, and basically any person who wants to be more active but feels they cannot. Physical Therapists have the skills to improve the quality of lives of people from birth to death.

There are PTs who with young babies and those who work inside schools helping children to learn better. You may find a PT working in a hospital, nursing home, or at a stereotypical outpatient clinic. Physical Therapists look to not only relieve pain, but to improve mobility and enhance the lives of those treated.
You may have heard a PT say they are a specialist in this or that, or they got some new shiny certification. Those “credentials” may or may not be helpful in working with people in need (and this coming from a person who has sought more letters behind their name), BUT that is not really what matters most. It is about finding a way – by any means possible to help the person live their best life. PTs listen, guide, educate, encourage, and cheer people to a better life. In the end it does not matter how we help people to move and feel better – it is just about doing so.
So, the next time you, a friend or loved one is having trouble with some ache/pain or finding that completing some daily task is becoming more difficult – the next thought should be to find a good PT. Learn what is going on and what can be done to solve the problem…and will likely arrive at a solution that does not involve taking pain medication or thoughts of surgery. Because that is what physical therapist does. Solves problems and help people to enjoy life free from pain and restriction.
What to learn more?
Click the following LINK and request a call to learn if your question can be solved by a Physical Therapist