After Whiplash

  • November 28, 2022

Whiplash is a common event after motor vehicle accidents. What many do not realize is that the same type of injury can occur from falls or sporting hits. The result of the head/neck violently moving in one direction only to the snap back the other way routinely causes neck issues. Simply put, the neck (muscles) do not like to be aggressively yanked in any direction. For some, this pain will resolve quickly and with seemingly no real after effects. For others however, the whiplash event can lead to debilitating pain and impaired daily function…which can last months or longer.

What happens as a result of the whiplash event are the small control muscles of the neck get injured. These control muscles help a person to know where their head is in space. They help make sure turning the head is smooth. And they are part of the system that holds the head upright. When a significant enough injury happens, people notice difficulty turning their head in a smooth manner. This, beyond the pain, can result in dizziness, headaches, and in some the sense their head is too heavy for their neck.

These issues have the potential to dramatically impact daily function and quality of life. It is not uncommon for people to struggle for weeks, months, or longer with post-whiplash issues. This does not have to be the case becauseā€¦

The good news is that there are effective treatment options. And the sooner after the injury is sustained that treatment begins, the fewer of these negative effects tend to appear. What treatment you ask?…

Treatment can take several forms but most often include some form of hands-on care as well as active exercise and potentially vestibular training. The hands-on care will address tightness of the muscles or soft tissue. Active exercise serves the roll of re-gaining range of motion and balancing the muscle system. Vestibular exercises or coordination training are sometimes necessary and/or useful for those individuals who have trouble moving their head smoothly, whose head feels heavy, or experience dizziness.

When properly addressed, whiplash does not have to be a major life impacting event. If such an event happens, do not just wait around hoping it will go away. That is the best way to make sure the issues remain and last. Do not be the percentage of folks who struggle for years unnecessarily.

The next step?

Get help for yourself or suggest it for someone you know who might be dealing with post whiplash issues. Click the following LINK to request more information and learn how to begin relieving neck pain today.