What does whole body health mean to you? Each person’s definition may be a little different but likely includes more than just physical health. With greater emphasis on balance in life, what elements constitute whole body health for you?
Most will start off with the physical element. That is a natural first response. If you do not have physical health, then how can the body be healthy. With respect to the physical element of health, it does not have to focused on any particular exercise or activity. Rather the goal is for the individual to be engaged in some exercise or activity for the health of their body. Additionally, diet is often thought of in this context. There are many different diets to consider. Each one has its pluses and minuses. Ultimately finding what works for you and with the potential help of a dietitian or nutritionist can help.
The next element often included when asked is mental health. Mental well-being is certainly more talked about today than even 5 years ago. Again, each person’s definition may be slightly different. What is often mentioned is finding a balance between work and play. Finding or taking the time to engage in pleasurable activities. This could be exercise, reading a book, meditation, or any number of activities. The key is finding time each day or several times per week to do something just for you. While that may sound selfish, it is not. Look at it this way. If spending 30 minutes each day to engage in something you enjoy improves your disposition towards others, how is that selfish. It is important for people to take the time they need so that they can perform their other roles and tasks in life.
A third element often thought of with respect to health is spiritual. This is an element that is viewed differently by many. For some this is more important than for others. The only right answer is what you think or believe here. If important then take the time. If not, then fill that time with something you are passionate about.
As we think about health and wellness, the goal is often whole body health. We want to consider the entirety of the person to find fulfillment in life.
So…where do you stand with respect to whole body health?