Tell me- – How many of you are satisfied with the current state of health insurance? 
HIGH deductibles and/or co-pay and co-insurance…
Leaves many thinking about how to avoid the medical system altogether (to avoid paying).
There is not a good solution to satisfy the masses. However avoiding treatment for something small can often lead to larger expenses later on.
This could be something as small as minor knee pain or a twisted ankle (or insert your issue here). But hobble around for 3+ months and BOOM now more body parts hurt. You become frustrated with living in pain. And you finally decide to visit your family doctor. What happens Next?
…You are referred to an orthopedic specialist. There you have an x-ray (that does not show the problem) before you ever see the doctor. You wait 1 hour for a 5 min consult leaving you sour and reluctantly take an injection and go for that MRI because there must be something wrong (and you think that the MRI is going to tell someone how to treat you). You now wait 2 weeks for pre-authorization for the test meanwhile your issue is still limiting your life. Finally you get the MRI and head back to the “specialist” 2 weeks later only for them to tell you nothing or they put the fear in you that major surgery may be necessary.
Now you are nearly 5 months into this problem of yours that is limiting your daily life and still no better. You are confused, concerned, depressed and do not know where to turn BECAUSE of conflicting advice of others and you are tired of paying for things that have not provided a solution for you. (By the way, even with all this you have yet to hit your deductible, so you are still paying all the expense). What do you do now? Wait some more thinking if you just give it enough time it will just go away on its own.
Another 2-3 more months pass without any change. In fact, things are getting worse. Anxiety, depression, irritability all start to increase which only causes more pain.
Finally nearly 9 months since the initial injury, you finally step into the office of a physical therapist because you cannot take it anymore. What happens next surprises you…No long wait times, actual face-to-face time with your healthcare provider, and a glimmer of hope.
See, that is what physical therapy is about. Providing solutions for people suffering in pain or struggling with daily life activities. We are the pain and movement specialists whose goal is to get you off medications, help you avoid doctors offices and all that comes with it. You leave that 1st day with a plan in place to re-claim your activities and live with less discomfort.
At this moment you realize, I should have started with Physical Therapy in the 1st place. You could have saved MONTHS of pain and suffering not to mention possibly THOUSANDS of dollars.
The message today is about educating folks on why seeking Physical Therapy 1st for your issue to your advantage and can save you money.
If you are looking to reduce pain and regain your motion, strength, balance, or endurance, physical therapy should be top of mind. EARLY physical therapy has been proven to reduce COSTS by resulting in fewer imaging, injections, medications, repeat doctor visits, and surgery.
Click HERE or HERE to learn more about what conditions physical therapists can treat.
Yes, you may get better on your own, BUT what IF you DON’T? Is a few $$ now worth long-term pain, disability, and cost of the rest of the medical system?????
So why then the delay??? Call Today