As people age, it is not uncommon for individuals to be worried about knee arthritis. Often people have some relative, friend, or neighbor who was told they have arthritis or may not be doing well with this “diagnosis”. But is it really something to be concerned about?
The surprising answer though is that knee arthritis is not necessarily something to be concerned about. Arthritis is really just a normal process of aging, something everyone has if they live long enough. Think about it like wrinkles or gray hair, just that it is on the inside.
But I know individuals who had to have surgery because of arthritis?
Well, that may be so, but it does not have to be the story for everyone. Many individuals have “arthritis” and do not find themselves limited. They can be active as they want and do not suffer with pain.

How is that possible?
Every person is different. Mindset, activity level, beliefs, and expectations all play a role in whether a person will be negatively impacted by arthritis. Some of this comes down to how the “problem” was explained to a person by their doctor. The bleaker the picture painted, the worse off that individual tends to present.
On the flip side, if the person is told don’t worry about any imaging, it is just normal aging. All that needs to be done is work on some exercise and remain active and all will be fine in a few weeks. Now this individual is provided with a more positive message and thus is likely to respond better.
So before it is time to worry, seek some guidance on how to safely increase strength, flexibility, balance, and get oneself moving more. The ability to be active without medication or surgery is there.
To learn more on how you (or someone you know) can benefit from exercise, click this LINK to request a call and get your questions answered.