Getting back to normal after a wrist fracture can sometimes be difficult. Pain, loss of motion, inability to feel strong with your hands are common problems reported after a wrist fracture.

Often individuals are splinted or casted for several weeks (with/without) surgery. And then after getting out of the splint or cast, the wrist is often rather stiff, weak, and maybe painful. Frequently individuals are only provided with a sheet of exercises and told all will be well. But too often folks find that sheet of exercises does not do enough for them. Many become discouraged and frustrated with the process. Why? Expectations. Many are not prepared for the long road to recovery after a seemingly simple wrist fracture.
So what can be done?
One should find themselves to a person who specializes in restoring mobility, strength, and function to individuals following a wrist fracture. No need to wait to see one, request a visit straight away.

By working with a provider to assist in re-acquiring wrist motion greatly reduces pain and often enhances strength. See, when motion is limited, our body becomes overly sensitive. Meaning it seems more difficult to squeeze/grip and it also heightens the pain response.
Getting back this motion does not have to be super painful either. Done properly, wrist motion after a fracture can be achieved in a relatively comfortable manner via specific joint mobilizations or stretches. Not only that but the individual can learn how to easily stretch out their own wrist at home.
The next step then involves learning how to safely strengthen and build tolerance to pressure again on the wrist. A lack of tolerance for pressure through the wrist such as when pushing a door open or trying to push up off the floor is a big complaint of those following a wrist fracture. But the good news is…that pressure sensitivity will fade with time and provided the proper stimuli.
There is no need to just wait and see, hoping your wrist returns to normal after a fracture. Getting a little help today and help get you back to enjoying all your daily activities that much quicker.
To learn more how rehab can speed the process back to 100%, Click the following link HERE to request your FREE phone consultation.