Reports of numb and tingly hands or feet are common. Often these are not the only complaints of the individual. Typically, the person will also have complaints of spine or extremity pain or symptoms as well. It is important to determine the origin of the symptoms to then work backwards to a solution.
When people experience these symptoms, they often ask what can be done?
Frequently people believe advanced imaging is necessary, but…There is no immediate rush for advanced imaging yet. The most important 1st step is a quality physical examination. This examination should include a solid history of symptoms along with a comprehensive assessment of reflexes, strength, and sensation. Hopefully through the physical examination, one or more elements will either provoke or better yet relieve or reduce the numbness and tingling. If that is the case, then treatment should be successful.
With respect to treatment, the goal is to centralize or reduce the numbness/tingling sensation. This may be achieved via any number of potential treatment elements. Ultimately it does not matter what helps to reduce the symptoms, only that it can be achieved without the aide of medication if possible. This is not to say that sometimes medications cannot or may not be needed to reduce symptoms, especially early on. But if it can be achieved without…even better.
When a relieving movement or exercise is discovered, it is important for the individual to regularly perform it. Control the symptoms whenever necessary. Do not allow them to persist and build to an intolerable level. The goal is to keep symptoms minimal for long enough so that the overall irritation level ultimately reduces. If it means performing an exercise once every hour then so be it.
If and only if treatment is not resulting in a positive response AND the person demonstrates deficits in strength, reflexes, and/or sensation in a consistent path then further medical work-up is justified. But in more instances than not, it just will not be necessary which is GREAT for the individual.
Not sure of where you stand or what is the best step forward to resolve your numb or tingly hands or feet?
Click the following LINK to request a call with a professional who can begin to understand your case and what might need to be done.