A common question people ask as they age is how to keep their knees stronger and healthier. This is a great question and an important topic for those interested in preserving their knees and avoiding surgery. After all, no one really wants to have knee surgery unless absolutely necessary. So with this in mind, here are 4 things for stronger and healthier knees.
- Leg Strengthening. This one is important because the muscles around the knees, the quadriceps in particular, absorbs force that otherwise the joint will. Additionally, it is important to address hip/gluteal strength. While these muscles do not touch or cross the knee joint, they remain ever important in the lower body mechanics. The benefit here is to improve the efficiency of the whole lower body. By combining hip and knee strengthening, you can improve the capacity of the entire leg and thus reduce stress and strain on the knee.
- While we should not dwell on flexibility, it is important. Many people “feel” or say their muscles are tight, many more than are from a true sense. Let me further explain. Our muscles and joints have what we call a “normal” range. It is common for people who have “normal” range to feel tight – it is just the way our system functions. As a result, some individuals become over focused on stretching as some “tightness” in the system is normal. Now on the opposite side of things – those who truly have limited flexibility for some reason – this should be addressed. In some, tightness of the quadriceps can create compression of the kneecap resulting in pain. If this is the circumstance, then addressing it is advised.
- Cardiovascular Exercise. No surprise here. Cardiovascular exercise is a benefit to many things in the body and the knee joint is no different. Regular exercise helps to lubricate the joints, something that is highly beneficial. Additionally, weight bearing activities stimulate the bones to stay strong. Over time the bony system loses “strength” but exercise can help to reduce that.
- Lose Weight. Once again, no surprise here. But did you know that for every 1 pound lost, the knee joints feel 4 pounds less stress. So even a small 5-pound reduction eases 20 pounds of pressure on the knees. Think about that one for a moment. Obviously, there are other benefits to weight loss, but this one is huge for the knees. And along the way to losing weight other positive changes likely are happening.
And there you have it, 4 things for stronger and healthier knees that you can begin today. It is important to take proactive steps to prevent knee joint issues if possible. At this point you could take any number of paths forward to achieve one or more of these suggestions. If you are not sure where to begin or what is safe, then getting guidance from a muscle and joint expert is recommended. Click the following LINK to request your personalized consultation to begin taking the necessary steps to achieve stronger and healthier knees.