Finding balance in life can be difficult at times. With everyone’s attention divided ten different ways (work, family, friends, the house, kids, etc) at once it can be a challenge to find some balance.
An important thing to remember is that if time is not taken to care for oneself, a strain on one’s health can follow. That’s right…it is necessary to take care of oneself 1st sometimes. Because if you are not healthy, then how could you possibly be able to help those in your circle.
What steps then can be taken to assist finding some balance?

Photo Credit: The Optimist
Steps for success
1) Take at least 30 minutes every day and do something you enjoy. This could be any activity you find pleasurable. Or just go sit quietly by yourself and breath.
2) Exercise. This one is important here. The human body needs exercise to run smoothly. Do some activity that gets your heart pumping to at least a moderate degree for at least 30 minutes every day. This is not only healthy for your heart, lungs, muscles, and brain but is can also be your #1 (you time) as well.
3) Down time. With all the stress of work and home life, most individuals need some down time to decompress. If we do not pre-emptively provide our body with down time, it will force us into it when the body gets too run down and sick…and no one enjoys being sick.
4) Spend some time every week doing some hobby. This can be anything that for a period of time takes your attention away from other life tasks or events. Good news, this #4 here could also be your #1 as well. So those time excuses are fading with the chance to double dip with several of these categories.
It may be hard to fathom taking time out of your busy day and week to do something for your health…but it is healthy and necessary to have that balance in life. And after a few weeks, these habits will become routine and you will feel much better for it all.