Exercise- Good or Bad for Pain?
I have been doing some reading lately after having discussions with people about whether exercise is helpful or harmful for those in pain. Do a search on Exercise and Pain and you will get back…
I have been doing some reading lately after having discussions with people about whether exercise is helpful or harmful for those in pain. Do a search on Exercise and Pain and you will get back…
Welcome back for more of your top tips on choosing a Physical Therapist. As mentioned last week, some thought should be put into choosing the right Physical Therapist for you. Don't find yourself stuck with a provider that…
I have come to a realization that many individuals are not sure what to look for when selecting a Physical Therapist. Many seem to think it does not or will not make much of a…
I often have discussions with patients about muscle cramping. Many times these discussions begin as a patient is actively cramping while performing some exercise. Often these individuals say I am just prone to muscle cramps. But…
For those with back pain, be it chronic or new, the question of what to do is present? Do I rest, take medication, see a professional (but WHO?), rely on the advice of friends or…
There is an interesting discussion right now as to the benefits of arthroscopic knee surgery. For this topic of discussion is meniscal surgery worth it? Or can a person be just fine without it? As a physical…
I am always amazed at how doctors and patients alike feel physical therapy after spine surgery is optional. Sure, patients always have the choice, but why go through a major surgery not to do EVERYTHING you…
Whiplash is a fancy name to describe an injury (most often the neck) due to an accident, collision, or fall. More specifically it relates to the speed of impact. As a result of the event, often…
Ankle sprains are a common injury for those engaging in athletic or even recreational activity. Each year more than 1 million people visit a doctor for an ankle sprain (ref). And this does not account for those…
The recent snow/ice here in the Northeast made me think about the topic of fall prevention. Even as the weather changes (for the better?), we need to prevent falls especially as a person ages. Data…
Zang Physical Therapy ~ 3514 Trindle Road Camp Hill PA 17011 ~ 717-440-6197, Fax: 717-388-4333 ~ andrew@zangpt.com ~