Effects of Pain Medication
There has been a lot of media attention toward prescription pain medication lately. The focus has been on the unnecessary over-zealous prescription of opioids. The problem is not only the addiction they can cause, but…
There has been a lot of media attention toward prescription pain medication lately. The focus has been on the unnecessary over-zealous prescription of opioids. The problem is not only the addiction they can cause, but…
Any time someone undergoes surgery whether arthroscopic, minimally invasive, or otherwise, proper post-surgery rehab is a must. Many think, I can just walk it off or I can do it myself. How wrong those individuals…
Don't let the title fool you...This message is really geared for those younger than 65. Because disability does not just turn a switch and appear at age 65. What you do in the 5, 10,…
Tell me- - How many of you are satisfied with the current state of health insurance? HIGH deductibles and/or co-pay and co-insurance... Leaves many thinking about how to avoid the medical system altogether (to avoid…
Winter is here and chances are a significant snowfall (one that requires shoveling) will happen soon. This made me think now is a good to impart some winter tips for injury prevention. Every winter, an influx of patients…
As I have written before, back pain is extremely common (>80% of population). Not only that, but it is known to return. Upwards of 90% of people who experience back pain will have at least…
Back pain is the most common reason to visit physicians across this country. On average 8 out of 10 people will experience back pain at some point in their life. Which side of the line…
The (Mis)Management of Low Back Pain (LBP) is creating a horrible burden on the healthcare system. While everyone’s case of Low Back Pain is unique, statistics say imaging of the spine will show problems if one…
More and more studies point to the way to reduce the cost of Low Back Pain (LBP) is to seek physical therapy first (before expensive imaging or injections)(1-4,6). Thankfully more and more insurances are mandating a…
I came across and interesting article examining the perceptions of both patients and physical therapists as to causes of low back pain. Interestingly, both groups held similar views as to potential causes including lifting, bending, and…
Zang Physical Therapy ~ 3514 Trindle Road Camp Hill PA 17011 ~ 717-440-6197, Fax: 717-388-4333 ~ andrew@zangpt.com ~