Did you know that exercise has been shown to improve brain power?
It’s true…exercise has the potential to impact the brain in numerous positive ways. To begin with, exercise is going to pump more oxygenated blood to the brain. From this, more healing nutrients are carried to the brain.
Along with the increased blood flow coming a surge of growth factors as well as hormones to reduce inflammation, stress, anxiety, and depression – how cool is that?
And that is not it…
Exercise has also been shown to increase concentration, energy, as well as help improve sleep quality. Who wouldn’t benefit from better sleep?

You may now be asking yourself, but how much exercise is necessary to get these benefits?
Well, data compiled indicates that 120-150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week is necessary. Let’s break this down- it equates to (2-2.5 hours total) or only about 30 min of activity 5 days per week. Who really can’t find 30 minutes a day to just walk briskly? Study researchers stated it does not matter what exercise is done so long as it gets the heart pumping some.
Given the stress and strain of daily life can we really ignore the science? We all recognize that exercise is beneficial for the body and now we know it is great for the mind as well. Just think about all these benefits to the brain. It is time to end the excuses and get moving for not only better physical health, but also mental.