Many individuals over the age of 40 believe they are starting to get “arthritis” or fear future knee OA. And those over 60 start to limit their activities because some doctor told them they have osteoarthritis and activity will make it worse.
In truth, these two points could not be further from reality. The development of “arthritis” will happen to us all if we live long enough, BUT we do not need to fear it or let it limit our activity levels. Despite our medical society wishing to speak (spreading fear and telling people they need surgery), scientific data has proven time and again that the BEST defense against knee OA or arthritis for that matter is physical activity. By being more active, we actually help to keep our joints healthier.

What can be done today, tomorrow and in the weeks to come??
Get or remain active. This does not mean you need to go run 10 miles, to cycle for 2 hours every day, or to lift heavy weights. It does not mean you must take daily exercise classes or drastically alter everything you do. What it does mean is that now is a good time to start doing more physical activity than you currently (or keep up with what you are doing).
Exercise guidelines indicate about 30 minutes of some moderately vigorous activity (5-6 days per week) is good for the body in many ways…it helps the heart, brain, and joints. Basically the objective is to get your heart rate up by doing some form of exercise. Ideally, to maximize joint health the goal would be some weight bearing activity (even walking is fine). But if walking bothers the knees then it is perfectly acceptable to start with cycling or even swimming. Or if 30 minutes is too much, how about 2- 15 minute walks each day. And if you can build in some strength training component, all the better.
Bottom line- it is best to start moving NOW. Do NOT wait until the body begins to break down to start to do something about it. Do NOT think and expect ANY medical provider to FIX you. It is incumbent upon you to take action otherwise do not expect miracles. Think about it this way – is it better to do the routine maintenance on your car or wait until it starts to fall apart? Our body is a highly complex machine and if we take care of it – it will take care of you.
The prevention of Knee OA starts today, regardless of age. We know physical activity is preventative (for so many things), so block some time each day to do something for your health. If not now…when?
Not sure where to begin? Try filling out this quick form (HERE) to request more information.